Hey Folks, Wow, November is here already. Here’s an image from our Canning River Rafting trip in the ANWR this past summer. This year we took group of 6 people out in the refuge for 12 days, with 2 rafts, tons of food and we all had a blast. Fun trip, a great mix of […]
Hey folks, A nice short video of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from We Are The Arctic a grassroots coalition whose mission is to raise awareness for and protection of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Excellent cinematography that highlights the beauty and the wildness of this special place. It’s always a treat to return to […]
Image of the month, for December, 2010. | Coastal plain, near the Canning River, Section 1002, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, ANWR, Alaska.
Campsite on the Arctic Ocean, tent camping at the mouth of the Canning river on the beach of the Beaufort Sea, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, ANWR, Alaska.
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) rafting trip down the Canning River, from the Brooks Mountain Range across the coastal plain to the Beaufort Sea and Arctic Ocean.
Hey Folks, As I’m updating the website, I’m redoing the Image of the Month pages, and won’t be writing content on the old (now deleted) pages – so I’m going to transfer some of the past notes I’ve written on the image of the month pages to the blog, that way it’s all in one […]