What can we expect?

January 11th, 2023 by Carl D

Over the years our guides have refined our execution of a backcountry meal and we are proud to say that the reviews are in.

“The food prepared by Christie made me feel like I was glamping; She really went above and beyond.” ~ Eric E.

“Jared took good care of us during the trip, manage the campsite and hike well. He is also a good chef like magician, never think I could have pizza on a backpacking trip before.” ~ Weichun Fung

“A special shout out to our guide Trevor who not only did a great job leading in the bush, but also performed double duty as a gourmet backcountry chef at the end of every day! If you are wondering about whether or not it is worth it to have Expeditions Alaska take care of planning and packing your food, the answer is a resounding YES!”  ~ Travis Dobson, Professional Chef.

Expeditions Alaska
Visit the wild