Our newest backpacking trip in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, the Wrangell Ramble. We’re all excited to get you on the trip. Totally a cool a walk.
Backpacking in Alaska, no trail, sidehilling is hard. it’s harder than you think. Super hard.
Where in Alaska do YOU want to backpack? For me, it’s everywhere at once. If the weather is good.But my absolute Number one, FAVORITE place? .. read on ..
How to ask gear questions for a backpacking or outdoor adventure.
Hey Folks Offtrail backpacking It doesn’t mean what you might think it means. What do we mean, here in Alaska, when we say “offtrail’? Well, what we mean is “no trail”. It’s not the same thing as backpacking through the mountains for a few days on a nice trail, hitting the open alpine terrain where […]
Camping beneath glorious Mt. Sanford, backpacking trip in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, Alaska.
Distances for backpacking in Alaska don’t make the metric you think they do. Here’s why …
Hey Folks, But what’s a weeklong hike? Hiking trips in Alaska are a little bit different to hiking elsewhere. Alaska itself is a little bit different. It’s bigger. Wilder. Harder. Hiking in Alaska is harder than what you’re used to. Most correctly, I’d suggest that hiking in Alaska is substantially harder than what you’re used […]