Hey Folks Welcome to Feb, 2015! Here’s a grizzly bear, or brown bear, image from our Grizzlies in the Fall photo tour. I know it’s not really grizzly bear season right now, they’re hunkered down for the winter, but I haven’t been shooting much around Alaska lately as I’ve been gone a while. It’s great […]
Hey Folks, Meet Little Otis, one of the most beautiful brown bears I’ve had the good fortune to see and to photograph. I’ve shot this guy for a number of years now, as he’s grown from a cute young cub to a cautious young subadult bear to a nearly full grown adult male brown bear; Little […]
Hey Folks, Sorry for the delay again, I’ve been in the field, and still catching up with everything here since getting out; And part of that catching up involves packing for the next trip, where I’ll be leading 2 sold out photo tours to Katmai National Park for the Grizzlies in the Fall trip. Definitely […]
Hey Folks A recent trip to Malaspina Lake, and the Lost Coast and Icy Bay treated us to this set of prints, along the silty shores of Malaspina Lake. So whoever saw a grizzly bear with one bear paw and one human foot? Amazing. The Malaspina Monster, evidence at least. The missing link? Who knows? […]
Hey Folks, A few days late, sorry. Here’s the February “Image of the Month”, a brown bear at dawn, backlit by the soft warm light of the morning, with a light mist over the water. Sometimes, I swear, the bears seem to enjoy a pretty morning as much as we do. As I do every […]
Hey Folks, Told you there were bear photos to come! Just in from a few weeks in Katmai National Park where we had an amazing time with the bears and a whole lot more. Some incredible situations. This one we were lucky enough to have these 2 adult male brown bears decide to play and […]
Hey Folks, Slowly catching up on image processing and whatnot after a full season of adventure. This year I ran a few new trips, which I’m looking forward to continue to explore over the coming years, but also enjoyed returning to some of the old favorite haunts. This image if from the Grizzly Bears in […]
Hey Folks Just returned from 2 weeks in Katmai National Park, photographing the great grizzly bears there. This adult boar, who we call ‘Ted’, is a an old favorite of mine to photograph. Beautiful bear, and this year was the first year I’d seen him standing upright. Ted’s a big ole bear! Heading out in […]
Hey Folks, Heading out in a day or 2 for a week of photography, so I thought I’d post this one of a porky little grizzly bear cub, fat and ready for hibernation. I’m a big fan of Lyle Lovett, and this photo seemed like the perfect match for such a great lyric. Have a […]
Proposed Pebble Mine potentially affects all of us who visit the Alaska Peninsula and watch and photograph the coastal brown bears of Katmai National Park and Lake Clark and even Kodiak.