Northern lights over the White Mountains
Hey Folks
After a couple of weeks doing little but shooting northern lights and enjoying the company of some wonderful guests I suppose it’s appropriate that I post a northern lights photo for this month’s Image of the Month.
So here it is.
This one was one of the final images taken on one of the most incredible nights of aurora I’ve seen. The peak of the activity just prior to this was absolutely incredible. I shot this with my 14-24mm lens on my D750. I’d been shooting with my D4s and 24mm f1.4 lens beforehand, and really wanted the wider view. So as the lights wound down I took a minute to grab my other setup and take a few images. Glad I did.
For what it’s worth, it wasn’t terribly cold this night, maybe 15˚F or so (approx -7˚C). But the wind up here on the ridge was just howling. Awful awful conditions to stand out in. We hid behind the van and shot mostly, but it was worth braving the elements to get a better view. So brave them we did. Briefly, anyway.
Good times.
See you aurora shooters this fall on the Northern Lights in the Fall tour!